Case Name:  Kyle-Moffat v. Novex Insurance Company et al, SCBC No. 205979, Vancouver Registry

Court:  Supreme Court of British Columbia

Date Filed:  June 5, 2020

Class Members:  All persons resident in Canada who were insured with the Defendant, Novex pursuant to the Policy, or other policies issued by the Defendant, Novex with identical or similar provisions for business interruption from March 21, 2020 to present and who were denied coverage for business interruption losses relating to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This proposed class action arises amid COVID-19, whereby many Canadian residents and business owners were forced to close their doors as a result of government-imposed shutdowns. Owners filed business interruption insurance claims to make up for the losses they experienced.  However, Novex denied these claims.

The claim alleges that the defendant wrongfully denied coverage for business losses.

With respect to Novex policies sold to Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) by the Defendant Lackner McLennan Insurance Ltd. (the “Broker”), the claim alleges that the Broker failed to take care to protect the clients’ interests and represented to the clients that they would have coverage for “loss of income because your clinic is unusable”.

Please see the Amended Notice of Civil Claim for more details.

For further information concerning this action, please contact Natalie Beaupré-Fulton at 604-682-3771 or email