‘Now a meat chart’: ICBC tries to shortchange the injured, lawyers say | Vancouver Sun

‘Now a meat chart’: ICBC tries to shortchange the injured, lawyers say | Vancouver Sun

Attorney General Eby says lawyers are to blame for ICBC cost overruns and the need for a basic rate hike while in 2019 ICBC has apparently adopted a new strategy of forcing cases to trial with low ball offers and unilaterally revoking offers made on non catastrophic claims. This is the height of hypocrisy and will assuredly lead to more back log and delay in our already overburdened court system, not to mention an explosion in unnecessary litigation costs. This is financial distracted driving at its worst. Blaming lawyers is a cheap and cynical political play. When will the NDP government actually hold ICBC accountable for its gross mismanagement over the last decade?

The NDP government and the Attorney General are supposed to be driving ICBC – not the other way around – and right now this government is asleep at the wheel.

Read more in this Vancouver Sun article here.