Mercon Class Action
An action brought on behalf of all individuals and companies resident in Canada who participated and/or benefited in the Plan (the “Class” or “Class Members”.)
The Defendants were jointly responsible for funding and administering the Plan and for providing third party health and welfare benefits to member employees, their families, and their dependents.
As set out in the whole of the Statement of Claim, at all material times, the Defendants made representations to the Plaintiffs and other Class Members about the portability of their Hour Banks and about the health and welfare benefits available to them under the Plan. Despite requests from the Plaintiffs and other Class Members to port their Hour Banks to their new provincial benefit plans, the Defendants did not transfer the Plaintiffs’ and other Class Members’ Hour Banks to their new benefit plans, even though their employers were still Merit companies in Canada, and even though the Plaintiffs and other Class Members had, at all material times, available hours in their Hour Banks.
For more information, please see the Statement of Claim filed July 20, 2021, here.