Facebook/Instagram Class Action
Facebook and Instagram Eating Disorder Class Action
Rice Harbut Elliott LLP has commenced proceedings against FACEBOOK, INC. (now known as META PLATFORMS INC.), FACEBOOK CANADA, INSTAGRAM INC. AND INSTAGRAM, LLC. in a potential class action lawsuit on behalf of all Canadians who were under the age of majority when they acquired Facebook or Instagram accounts, viewed and/or engaged with harmful content - including images and advertisements which promoted unrealistic body images, eating disorders and self-harm – and suffered injuries as a result.
- Current Status
- Overview
Current Status
The certification hearing will be scheduled after the release of the Court’s pending decision in respect of evidence that will be heard at the certification hearing.
Rice Harbut Elliott LLP has commenced proceedings in the Supreme Court of British Columbia against FACEBOOK, INC. (now known as META PLATFORMS INC.), FACEBOOK CANADA, INSTAGRAM INC. AND INSTAGRAM, LLC. in a potential class action lawsuit on behalf of all Canadians who were under the age of majority when they acquired Facebook or Instagram accounts, viewed and/or engaged with harmful content – including images and advertisements which promoted unrealistic body images, eating disorders and self-harm – and suffered injuries as a result. The claim alleges that through their own internal research and otherwise, the Defendants knew or ought to have known that viewing this kind of content was associated with harm to young persons, that the Defendants failed to warn young persons or their parents/guardians about these risks and failed to take any measures to stop the proliferation of harmful social media content on their platforms, and that they profited as a result.
A copy of the Notice of Civil Claim commencing this lawsuit has been filed and can be found here.
If you or your children have suffered with any mental health symptoms including eating disorders after viewing or engaging with the harmful content on Facebook or Instagram platforms summarized above, you may be affected by this class action lawsuit. Please fill out the form below to get in touch with us. Joining our contact list creates no financial obligation and we will keep all the information that you provide to us confidential.