CRA Privacy Breach Class Action
CRA Privacy Breach Class Action
Rice Harbut Elliott LLP is advancing class action lawsuits against the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) and the Government of Canada (known formally as “His Majesty the King”) on behalf of all persons in Canada whose personal or financial information in their Government of Canada Online Account (CRA account, “My Services Canada” account, or other government accounts) was disclosed to a third party without authorization between March 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020.
- Current Status
- Overview
Current Status
The Federal Court heard the certification application on May 11-13, 2022 and certification was granted.
The Court approved Notice of Certification and opt out forms can be found here.
The deadline to opt out is November 27, 2023.
The full decision of Mr. Justice Southcott can be found here.
RHE lawyers, Anthony Leoni, Silvana Herra, and Matthew Burtini are Class Counsel. If you have any questions or require further information, kindly contact Natalie Beaupre-Fulton at nbeaupre-fulton@rhelaw.com.
Rice Harbut Elliott LLP is advancing class action lawsuits against the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) and the Government of Canada (known formally as “His Majesty the King”) on behalf of all persons in Canada whose personal or financial information in their Government of Canada Online Account (CRA account, “My Services Canada” account, or other government accounts) was disclosed to a third party without authorization between March 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020.
The claim alleges that the government of Canada was negligent in safeguarding the confidential information of Canadians that was housed electronically within various online government portals. These inadequate safeguards allowed bad actors to access the online CRA accounts of Canadians absent their consent, view confidential and private details and, in many cases, apply for CERB benefits.
This proceeding has been commenced both in Federal Court and in the BC Supreme Court. Depending on various factors, you may qualify for either action. A copy of the Fourth Amended Statement of Claim in the Federal Court action can be found here. A copy of the Notice of Civil Claim in the BCSC action can be found here.
If you have not yet registered with RHE, please fill out the form on this page. We will provide the class with further updates when any material developments occur.